Impersonal love — The only kind of love that exists

Impersonal love — The only kind of love that exists

Impersonal love — The only kind of love that exists

I used to live in the world where personal love existed. Where romantic love existed.

I thought that love was something that I could feel and experience when i met the right person.

That world doesn’t exist for me anymore. Because today I see what love is from a higher perspective. My understanding about love has deepened.

This is not the absolute truth. Love is never something that we can fully express with words, yet this is something that I’ve begun to see that is more true.

There’s no such thing as personal love or romantic love. These are only our ideas about love, not what love truly is.

Love can never be personal, but it’s always impersonal. The moment we make it personal we begin to lose the feeling.

It may look like love is personal, when we fall in love and feel these amazing feelings within us. When we are in the presence of the other person.

However the love that we experience in that moment is never coming from that other person. But it’s always coming from within us.

It’s when we have an open and quiet mind we experience love. End of story.

When we fall in love with the other person, we simply fall out of our personal thinking, and therefore have an experience of love. We become open and present in the company of the other person.

Every single person who has a quiet mind experiences love.

The more we begin to see how the love that we experience is impersonal, the more we free ourselves to experience love here and now, no matter of our outside circumstances. And the more we do this the more beautiful relationships we also begin to experience.

Because when we find that feeling within us, our outside world always seeks to match our inner world.

It becomes easier for us to enjoy these long-term relationships when we recognize that the other person is not the source of our wellbeing. The other person is not the source of the love that we feel.

Our love becomes more unconditional.

Love is not personal, but it’s always impersonal. And the more we begin to see how this is true, the more we begin to awaken to that feeling within us.

Love, the impersonal kind, is the only love that really exists.

Everything else is just our personal ideas about love. And for us to be able to experience this love we need to be willing to let go of the personal and step into the impersonal.

Because it’s in that place in the stillness of our minds when we feel the connection to that something greater than ourselves, when we experience love.

With love,

Heidi Paavilainen

Sharing an understanding that allows us to connect more with that deeper part within us, so that we can find our own answers from within, find that greater sense of wellbeing and have relationships that feel good.

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